How to find Broome's Gateway Caravan Park

Extra information
Caravan sites - book for 1 week, 7th night is FREE when you book online.
- All prices are in AUD and include GST.
No change of discount after arrival.
We do not add up discounts.
Caravan storage is the same as a booking. (normal price on a normal site).
- Boomgate swipe card is required.
- $10 charge on non returned Boom Gate swipe cards
- Min $50 call out fee after hours (without prior arrangement.)
- Extention of stay/booking is only accepted in person at the Office (not online)
- Calls to the emergency after hours number relating to guests using generators before 8am or after 8pm will result in guests being asked to leave the park. If you have any issues please come to the office during work hours.
By placing a booking online you are accepting our terms and conditions
* Terms and conditions may apply to special offers and discounts.